【Event Report】 April 29th Ghibli Museum Visit ジブリ美術館ツアー


Tickets to the Ghibli Museum has been graciously been donated to the NJS by Rio Yamase, who was the music director (composer and performer) of Mon Mon the Water Spider.

The weather was beautidul and a total of 10 people gathered for the tour, which was held during the GW holiday season when tickets were hard to come by, but thanks to the efforts of Ms. Yamase, the tour was able to go ahead.

On the day of the tour, even a traveler from Norway joined us and toured the museum with NJS members.

The short film "Momon the Water Spider" had no dialogue, and the characters' emotions were expressed through music played on the Hardanger fiddle (a Norwegian folk instrument). There was a scene of applause after the screening, and combined with the beauty of Ghibli's visuals, it was a very moving film.

Thank you to everyone who participated with us!





【Event Report】第21回ノルウェーフレンド一シップヨットレース Norway Friendship Yacht Race  


On April 21, 2024, NJS was again invited to participate in the 21st Norway Friendship Yacht Race hosted by the Enoshima Yacht Club.



We enjoyed two hours of sailing from Enoshima.

The weather was great, the waves were calm, and it was very pleasant!


Thank you to everyone who came out and to the Enoshima Yacht Club!

【Hot News】演奏会つき夕食懇親会へのお誘い

【Hot News】演奏会つき夕食懇親会へのお誘い

日本ーノルウエー協会合唱団は日本グリーグ協会主催の声楽マスタークラスを受講していますが、そのご縁で今回初めて両団体合同の夕食懇親会を企画しました。当日は両団体演奏家によるボランティア出演、合唱団の合唱、マスタークラスでご指導されるFrode Olsen・小泉弥生も出演されるMusic & Dinnerの楽しいイベントです。会場はSteinwayのピアノつきの広いスペースのある素敵なイタリアンレストラン(San Michele)です。