We are delighted to invite you to our Shinnenkai, a traditional Japanese celebration of the New Year. Join us for a night of fun, food, and friendship at the beautiful venue at Matsuya Salon at Daijingu Shrine in Tokyo.
We will enjoy a delicious buffet of seasonal dishes, a live violin recital by the talented musician Shoko Oki, and a chorus group performance by our own NJS members. Plus, you will have a chance to win some amazing prizes in our exciting raffle.
We are also honored to have the presence of the new Norwegian Ambassador to Japan, Ms. Kristin Iglum.
Kristin was appointed as the Ambassador to Japan in October 2023, and this will be her first greeting speech to the members of the NJS members since coming to Japan.
Ambassador Iglum has served in various positions in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as at the Norwegian embassy in Beijing, Norwegian Consulate in Shanghai, and at the Norwegian consulate in New York, to name a few. We are looking forward to hearing her insights and perspectives on the bilateral relations between Norway and Japan.
Don't miss this opportunity to sign up for the NJS Shinnenkai! We are looking forward to starting the new year with hopes and aspirations for peace, prosperity, and happiness in 2024 together with our NJS members!
Event details イベント詳細
Date日時: February 1st (Thu) 6:30 pm.~ / 2月1日 (木)18時30分~
Venue会場: Tokyo Daijingu Matsuya Salon / 東京大神宮 マツヤサロン HPはこちら
(〒102-0071 東京都千代田区富士見2丁目4−1 飯田橋駅から徒歩5分)
Participation Fee参加費:
NJS Member: 6,500 yen
Member’s family: 6,500 yen
Student Member; NJC Choir Members: 5,000 yen
NCCJ Members: 6,500 yen
Non-member: 8,500 yen
※Please note that this is not an open event: The non-members must be members of friends, sister organizations, fellowships, and related organizations. 本イベントは関係者のみのイベントになります。オープンイベントではございません。 会員の友人・知人・ご紹介者、姉妹団体、提携団体、親睦団体の皆様のみ対象となります。
18:00 Doors open
18:30 Start (MC introduction)
Welcome message
Greeting from Norwegian Embassy by Ambassador Iglum
Speech by new counsellor Oddbjørn Lunde on energy issue etc.
Video message by new Director of Munch Museum, Ms. Tone Hansen
Message by former Director of Munch Museum, Mr. Stein Olav Henrichsen
Correspondence from Europe by Japanese Ambassador to Slovakia Mr. Yasuhiro Kawakami
19:00 Chorus Group Performance
早春賦 (Soshun-Fu,吉丸一昌 作詞、中田 章 作曲)
En.Droem (Bodenstedt 作詞、Edvard Grieg 作曲)
指揮 甲田 潤
ピアノ伴奏 本橋マユミ
19:15 Buffet opens
Violin recital by Shoko Oki
(Piano accompaniment by Yasuko Miyakawa)
A-haのTake on me,Grieg 作曲「ペールギュント」組曲よりメドレー,The BeatlesのNorwegian Woodなど,皆様に親しまれたジャンルを超えた楽曲をお送りします。
20:40 Lottery draw
21:00 Closing
(The schedule is subject to change)
How to register 申込方法
▼Register through the link below ご登録はこちら▼
Registration deadline申込締切:
By Thursday, January 25th 1月25日(木)まで
Early entry is most welcome!
Safety Measures 安全上のお願い
We ask guests to kindly sanitize hands and observe coughing etiquette. Please refrain from participating if you have a temperature over 37,5 Celsius. Please contact us directly if you are unable to participate for the above reasons.
▶︎Cancellation キャンセル
General contact information お問い合わせ
Performers 演奏者のご紹介
Mr.Children、back number、宮本浩次、矢沢永吉、レミオロメン、スガシカオ、桑田佳祐、小田和正、ACIDMAN、MAN WITH A MISSION、倖田來未、一青窈、絢香、SEKAI NO OWARI、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ…他多数。
●ステージ共演アーティスト…Mr.Children、矢沢永吉、ASKA、エンヤ、吉田拓郎、佐野元春、渡辺貞夫、THE YELLOW MONKEY、坂本真綾、松田聖子、宇多田ヒカル、小沢健二、MIYAVI…他多数。
武蔵野音楽大学ピアノ科入学。卒業後は、ホテルラウンジ、レストラン、ブライダル、セレモニー等、様々なシーンで演奏。 色彩や風景、ストーリーが聴く人に伝わる様な音を奏でる事をモットーに活動中。