We are delighted to invite you all to our monthly online Remo-kai event!
This event takes place on the event platform Remo, where participants can mingle with each other through virtual tables and engage in exciting conversations. We also have a special guest joining us each month to present a Norway-Japan related topic.
This month’s topic・今月のテーマ:Nordic Innovation in Japan
ノルディック イノベーション ハウス東京代表が語る「ノルディック イノベーション ハウス東京の紹介と北欧スタートアップエコシステムの傾向・課題」
Nordic Innovation House Tokyo Community Director Niklas Karvonen will present the Nordic Innovation House concept and talk about trends and challenges in the Scandinavian startup ecosystems.
About Nordic Innovation House・ノルディックイノベーションハウスとは
Nordic Innovation House is a unique collaboration between the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) and Nordic Innovation, focused on assisting startups and growth companies with market entry and expansion. Nordic Innovation House brings exciting Nordic entrepreneurship and innovation, values, and the Nordic way of doing business to global markets.
They bridge the Nordics with the main hotspots around the world. After establishing a presence in Silicon Valley, New York, Singapore, and Hong Kong, the Nordic Innovation House Tokyo opened in May 2020.
Nordic Innovation House(ノルディック イノベーション ハウス)は、北欧 5 カ国 ( デンマーク、フィン ランド、アイスランド、ノルウェー、スウェーデン) と Nordic Innovation ( 北欧各国の合同プロジェク ト) が協同し、スタートアップや成長段階にある企業の市場参入・拡大を支援することを目的としてい ます。 Nordic Innovation House は北欧の意欲的な起業家精神や革新・価値観を広め、北欧諸国のビジネスを世界市場に展開します。
世界の主要なホットスポットと北欧諸国をつなぐ活動の一環として、シリコンバレー、ニューヨーク、 香港、シンガポールに続き、2020年5月、東京に拠点を開設した。
*Please note that this presentation is conducted in Japanese only - Q&A welcome in English.
Velkommen! 熱烈大歓迎!
About the Space・イベントスペースについて
Remo Conference is an online platform where participants join digital tables to interact with other participants. Up to 4 people can sit at one table, and as a participant, you can move freely between tables to find a group that shares a topic of interest to you.
Who can join?・参加者について
The Remo-kai is open for NJS members and friends. Please register through the event page below by at least one day before the event. There’s a limit on the number of participants, so please sign up early to ensure your spot. Kick back with your favorite drink, food, and enjoy a fun evening with us from the comfort of your own home!
Event Information ・基本情報
Wednesday, February 24
19:00-20:45 (Japan Time・日本)
11:00-12:45 (Norway Time・ノルウェー)
Presentation Language・講演言語
Presentation in Japanese, Q&A welcome in English
Please register using the link below by the preceding Tuesday if you are interested in joining.
Looking forward to seeing you at the event!
How to sign up・登録方法
Go to the event page・イベントのページを開き
Choose “Save me a spot”・緑色のボタン”Save me a spot”をクリック
Enter your details - and you’re done!・メールアドレスを登録して完了!