【Hot News】No.4 ~Shinnenkai2023~ 日本ーノルウエー協会(NJS)合唱団の演奏のお知らせ

『Shinnenkai 2023』への参加申し込み受付中


▼Register through the link below・ご登録はこちら▼


 我々合唱団は長引くコロナ禍にあって新年会のため一生懸命練習を重ねてまいりましたが1月25日の新年会で下記のプログラムを歌います。またホットニュース 1 でお知らせした日本グリーグ協会の正木文恵さん(ピアニスト、同協会理事長、NJS会員)の素敵なピアノ演奏もありますので、是非新年会にご参加されてお聞きください。


Solnedgang (日没) エドワルド・グリーグ作曲、甲田 潤編曲

Vaaren (春)    同上

故郷        高野辰之作詞、岡野貞一作曲、源田俊一郎編曲

さくら       日本古謡、甲田 潤編曲



 合唱団に参加して歌ってみたいという方はNJSのWebsite(Norway-Japan.org)の合唱団の項をご覧ください。または、合唱団代表の渡邊 勲(isaow@me.com)にご連絡ください。





丸茂惇子、森島英一、渡邊 勲、渡邊康子、渡部佐和子



合唱指導、指揮: 甲田 潤先生(作曲家)



 主な作品に『管弦楽のための抒情断章』、『ピアノと弦楽四重奏のための三章』、『「紫苑」〜尺八と琵琶のために〜』、『アイヌ詠嘆詩に依るCis Sinot Ca(涙の歌)〜女声合唱とピアノのために〜』、『シタール、タブラ、タンプーラ、打楽器、箏と十七絃のためのSAMAAE<





他に「熱中時代スペシャル」、「火曜サスペンス劇場」などのTV音楽、劇団「東俳」、"project ON THE ROCKS"等の公演で「青い山脈」、「カッコウの巣の上で」、「ヴェニスの商人」、「リチャード三世」、他の芝居音楽も担当。2016年秋に公開された日韓に亘るドキュメンタリー映画「東学農民革命 唐辛子とライフル銃」(前田憲二監督)でも音楽を担当。

2019年春から国立国会図書館の委嘱による「全国図書館員のための遠隔研修講義「図書館員のための音楽知識」(国立国会図書館公式チャンネルNational Diet Library, Japan)が公開されている。




ピアノ伴奏者: 本橋マユミ先生(ピアニスト)



2009年、2011年 “The Universal Free Form Quartet” (4カ国の音楽家による即興演奏グルー プ) の一員としてヨーロッパ各地でコンサートツアー、レコーディング、フェスティバルに 出演。

2011年東日本大震災追悼のため「”Beyond the Sadness”~悲しみを越えて」を収録。 2012年にドイツのDewey Recordsからリリース。 2016年、17年ウラジオストク国際ジャズフェスティバルにも参加。 また、オカリナ奏者善久の伴奏者として、2017年春にニューヨークのカーネギーホールで 開催された日米友好コンサート、2019年にチェコ共和国のドヴォルザークホールで開催された親善コンサートに参加。



声楽を横尾佳子、小山裕之、高橋康人、齋藤美穂子らに師事。グリーグ歌曲を原語で演奏することをライフワークとしている。これまでにIda Gdim、Kjell Viig、Njår Sparbo、Solveig Kringleboth、Bodil Arnesen等の声楽マスタークラスを受講。2015年グリーグアカデミーで開催されたグリーグ歌曲ワークショップに招聘参加し、Grig's VillaコンサートにてSandra Mogensenと共演。2007年より野中正氏と定期的にリサイタルを催す。2021年9月ソフィアザールバロックにてオールグリーグプログラムのリサイタルを開催。日本グリーグ協会演奏家会員。日本ーノルウエー協会会員。


渡邊 勲 (日本ーノルウエー協会合唱団代表)



Performance by the Singing Group of Norway-Japan Society

=Please register for our New Year Party, if not done yet.=

The Singing Group have tried hard to sing at the coming New Year Party under the difficult situation of CoViD-19 pandemic and will sing the following pieces there.

Please see also our earlier notice of Hot News 1 (the Piano performance by the Pianist, Fumie Masaki, Chairwoman of the Japan Grieg Society, member of NJS, also) .


Solnedgang  composed by Edvard Grieg,  arranged by Jun Kouda

Vaaren      ditto

Furusato    Words and Music by Tatsuyuki Takano and Teiichi Okano

Sakura      Japanese old song arranged by Jun Kouda                             

About The Singing Group of the Norway-Japan Society (NJS, President Mr.Masahiro Tauchi)

  Organized in Summer of 2008 by the volunteer members of the Society, proposed by Mr.& Mrs. Masaki Seo, Ambassador and the President of NJS at that time to fulfil the aim of NJS ( Mutual understanding, Promoting friendship & cultural exchange between Norway and Japan) through our Chorus activities.

There are many organizations like NJS in Japan such as Japan-British Society. As far as we know, none of them have Choir like us. In this sense NJS is a unique organization. To join in our Singing Group you will be a member of NJS first. Please see NJS website(https//www.norway-japan.org) and find the information of the Singing Group there.

 2023 is our 15th year anniversary since we have started our singing activities. Since we sang at AGM of NJS in Summer 2009 for the first time, we have performed 60 pieces of lovely songs of Edvard Grieg and Japanese songs at our AGM and New Year Party till Jan., 2020 . Just after that our singing activities have been compelled to stop due to the CoViD-19 pandemic. Since then the number of our singing members have decreased and we have had difficulty to manage our Singing Group. However thanks to the great support of our singing members and our former members, together with kind support by NJS, we have come back to performing at our online-AGM of March, 2022.

 Now we have more number of students' and younger members and we welcome new members to join in us, especially Norwegians living in Tokyo area.

* Current members of our Singing Group (including our former members who join in our performance on Jan.,25).

Keigo Udaka, Michiru Otsuki, Nobuko Ohya, Masao Kawai, Midori Kawashima,

Keiko Kitagawa, Akiko Gono, Mayumi Sugiyama, Mari Takahashi, Rie Takanezawa, Ayumi Takano, Akiko Tagusari, Chiaki Doi (Vocalist and our tuitor of Norwegian), Mizuki Toji, Toshikatsu Nishizawa, Takako Nonoyama, Sumika Fukazawa,

Aireen Bekki, Atsuko Marumo, Hidekazu Morishima, Isao Watanabe, Yasuko Watanabe, Sawako Watabe

* Guest participants (our former members)

Yuko Takahashi, Saki Nakajima

Our Conductor/Master of Chorus   Mr. Jun Kouda (Composer)

 Graduated at Tokyo College of Music (Master's course of Composition)

Studied under Akira Ifukube, Reiko Arima, Sei Ikeno, Manabu Kawai for Composition and Seiichi Mitsuishi for Direction.

 Major works:《Lyric Fragments for Orchestra》, 《Three Chapters for Piano and String Quartet》,《“Shion” For Shakuhachi and Biwa》,《“Cis Sinot Ca” (Song of Tears) based on Ainu Lamentation Poetry. ~for female chorus and piano~》,《“SAMAAE” <time> for sitar, tabla, tanpura, percussion, koto and 17-string》,

《Shiba Zojoji Enzan-ryu Shomyo and String Ensemble “Shichisan”, “Shakujo”》,《“Taiyou” by Shingon Shomyo and Koto and 17-strings》.

The published scores:《"Transfiguration" for piano》, 《“Rhapsody” for 25-string flute and koto and marimba》(both published by Japan Composer's Association, broadcast on NHK-FM "Contemporary music").

Arrangement: Women's Chorus Suite《"Pictures at an Exhibition"》(Mussorgsky, Zenon Music Publishing Co., Ltd.), Women's Chorus Suite 《"In the Forest of Kamui"》(composed by Ryohei Hirose), Popular Arrangements for Women's Chorus 《"Amazing Grace”》(both Kawai Publishing) and others.

In addition, TV music such as "Nekchu Jidai Special" and "Tuesday Suspense Theater", theater company "Tohai", performances such as "project ON THE ROCKS" such as "Blue Mountains", "Cuckoo's Nest", "Venice Merchant". He was also in charge of the music for "Richard III" and other plays. He is also in charge of the music for the Japanese-Korean documentary film "Donggak Peasant Revolution: Chili Peppers and Rifles" (directed by Kenji Maeda), which was released in the fall of 2016. From the spring of 2019, a remote training lecture for librarians nationwide entitled "Musical Knowledge for Librarians" (National Diet Library official channel, National Diet Library, Japan), commissioned by the National Diet Library, has been open to the public.

As a chorus conductor, he participated in the performance of his teacher's masterpiece《Symphonic Song "Shaka"》 at the "Ifukube Sotsuju Memorial Concert" held at Suntory Hall in May 2004, and received high acclaim. He also served as a judge at the "Spring Chorus Contest" sponsored by Tokyo Choral Association.

He is a member of The Japan Federation of Composers Inc, the Japan Society for Contemporary Music, Apsaras Director, a researcher at the Tokyo College of Music's Ethnomusic Research Institute, and a lecturer at the same university's high school.

Our Piano Accompanist  Ms. Mayumi Motohashi (Piano Performer)

 Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music.

In 2009 and 2011, performed in concert tours, recordings, and festivals in Europe as a member of “The Universal Free Form Quartet” (a group of improvised performances by musicians from 4 countries) .

Her performance was recorded as “Beyond the Sadness” for memory of Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, which was released on Dewey Records in Germany 2012.

Also she participated International Jazz Festival in Vladivostok in 2016 and ‘17.

And as an accompanist for Ocarina player Zenkyu she participated Japan-U.S. Friendship Concert at Carnegie Hall, in New York 2017, and in a goodwill concert at the Dvorak Hall in the Czech Republic 2019.

Our Tuitor of Norwegian pronounciation. Chiaki Doi (Vocalist)

She studied vocal music under Yoshiko Yokoo, Hiroyuki Koyama, Yasuhito Takahashi, Mihoko Saito and others. Her life work is performing Grieg songs in their original language. She has taken vocal master classes under Ida Gdim, Kjell Viig, Njår Sparbo, Solveig Kringleboth, Bodil Arnesen and others. In 2015 she was invited to participate in the Grieg Song Workshop at the Grieg Academy and co-performed with Sandra Mogensen at the Grieg's Villa concert. Since 2007 she is performing regular recitals with Tadashi Nonaka. In September 2021, she held a recital of the All Grieg program at Sophia Saar Baroque. She is a member of the Grieg Society of Japan as musicians, and a member of the Japan-Norway Society.

We hope that you enjoy our performance as well as that presented

by Ms. Fumie Masaki.

Yours sincerely


Isao Watanabe ( Rep. of the Singing Group of NJS )

 Graduated from U.Tokyo (Law) in 1964, worked with ITOCHU CORPORATION.

Stationed in Oslo (Norway) during 1990-1996, member of NJS (Vice President till 2018)

↓イベントページはこちら・Click here for the event page↓

【January 25th】Shinnenkai 2023 (New Year Party)