連絡先:高根澤リエ(合唱団代表) メールアドレス:rie_takanezawa@hotmail.com
合唱団の活動: 合唱団の活動は毎年 7 月と 8 月を除き、1 月に始まり 12 月に終わります。
振込先:三井住友銀行 学芸大学駅前支店
普通口座 6874695 (日本ノルウェー協会合唱団)
練習場所:末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会(最寄り駅:地下鉄日比谷線広尾駅) 練習時間:19時から20時40分
歌唱指導:甲田 潤先生 ピアノ伴奏:本橋 マユミ先生
Would you like to sing with us?
The Norway-Japan Society Choir began its activities in September 2008, thanks to the generosity of former President and former Ambassador to Norway Mr. Masaki Senoo and his wife. Recently (May 2024), we welcomed Ambassador of Norway to Japan, Ms. Kristin IGLUM as an honorary member.
We gather twice a month near the Norwegian Embassy in Hiroo, Tokyo, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our repertoire includes works by Norwegian composers such as Edvard Grieg, as well as Japanese songs by Japanese composers. We showcase our efforts at events such as The Norway-Japan Society’s New Year gatherings. To foster camaraderie among members, we also hold lunch meetings from time to time.
We warmly welcome Norwegian students and choral enthusiasts to join us!
Contact Information
Rie Takanezawa (Choir Representative)
Email: rie_takanezawa@hotmail.com
Choir Activities
Our choir activities run annually from January to December, except for July and August.
Membership Categories and Annual Fees
Regular Members: ¥30,000/year (can be paid in installments every six months)
Student Members: ¥5,000/year (can also be paid in installments every six months)
Payment Method
Fees are payable in advance every six months for the following periods:
First Half: January–May
Second Half: June, September–December
Payment should be made via bank transfer to the following account:
Bank Name: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Gakugeidaigaku Ekimae Branch)
Account Type: Ordinary Account
Account Number: 6874695
Account Name: The Norway-Japan Society Choir
Practice Session Overview
Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Nearest station: Hiroo Station, Hibiya Line)
Practice Hours: 7:00 PM–8:40 PM
Choir Conductor: Jun Koda
Piano Accompanist: Mayumi Motohashi